Government grant to provide more accurate breast cancer diagnosis

Vinnova grants SEK 20 million to the Swedish AI Precision Pathology (SwAIPP) consortia to develop and implement AI-based precision diagnostics in cancer care. The consortia consist of Stratipath, Karolinska Institutet, the pathology clinics in the Kalmar, Västmanland and Skåne regions, Microsoft, Roche Diagnostics, Philips, Bröstcancerförbundet, Prevas and Helseplan.
Study shows large variation in biomarkers and grade among Swedish pathology labs calls for AI-supported image analysis

Abstract: We compared estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), human epidermal growth-factor receptor 2 (HER2), Ki67, and grade scores among the pathology departments in Sweden. We investigated how ER and HER2 positivity rates affect the distribution of endocrine and HER2-targeted treatments among oncology departments. All breast cancer patients diagnosed between 2013 and 2018 in Sweden […]
Stratipath is accepted to the Karolinska Institutet Innovations incubator.

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