Webinar: Prognostic Tools in Breast Cancer Care

In collaboration with iBreastBook, Johan Hartman, co-founder of Stratipath, participated in a webinar focused on predictive and prognostic tools in breast cancer care. Johan delivered an insightful lecture on: ”AI-Based Image Analysis: A Cost-Effective Alternative to Genomic Profiling”.

We were honored to have an excellent lineup of speakers and panelists who shared their expertise:
Abeer Shaaban | a Pathology Update
– Tim Crook | Genomics in Breast Cancer
Isaac Garcia-Murillas | Moving Towards the Clinical Implementation of Circulating Tumor DNA in Breast Cancer
The session was moderated by: Yazan Masannat, with panelists: Andreas Karakatsanis, Peter Barry and Ricardo Pardo

The entire webinar is now available to watch on YouTube. Catch up on the valuable insights and discussions here: